Do I Really Need to Buy New Labor Law Posters?
California and Federal labor law poster If you run a business and have employees, there are a slew of federal and state labor law notices you're required to post where employees can see them each day. These are often called labor law posters, or compliance posters. They include things like minimum wage laws, the federal USERRA, non-discrimination notices, and more. Keeping up with everything that ought to be posted and making sure that the most current notices are posted in the workplace can be a real chore for big and small businesses alike. What's more, posting a collection of paper notices can make your office look messy. To solve the problem, a number of companies sell labor law posters that combine all the state and federal regulations on one or two posters. The posters, in general, are a good thing. They tidy up offices and help businesses stay in compliance with labor laws. But unfortunately, some of the companies that market labor law posters by mail use hard-sell marke